
Thursday, February 10, 2011

lolcow Unwrapped~ Issue #3

La Tale Bio:
IGN: lolcow
Class: duelist
Guild Ranking: maestro
Playing Since: 2009? o:
Craft: refiner
Top 3 LT Hobbies:
stalking,chatting,..maybe farming @_@
Favorite Channel: 7 :D
Favorite Map:
elias rooftop above misc seller o;
Favorite Fashion:
ishutaru wings :D
Favorite Hairstyle:
windy style~
Favorite NPC:
<.< >.> ...sorry not you tonio.. toma! :D
Favorite Monster:
so much to picK @_@! priring! :3

Real Life Bio:
Name: Trung 0:
Age: 15 8D
Location: California~
Hobbies: playing computer, bboying, popping and hanging out wif friends :3
Shoe Size: 10
Favorite Color: blue/ purple
Favorite Song: uhmm @_@ currently its.. Houki Boushi - Younha
Favorite Movie: Inception O:
Favorite TV Show: i dont watch tv much but.. POKEMON :D
Favorite Book: -doesnt read much books either- uhh i would say.. Of Mice and Men o:
Favorite Food: French fries... +_+ <3
Favorite Dessert: -doesnt like desserts- @_@

1.) What song did you last sang out loud?
Mad- NeYo o:

2.) Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
saturday o;

3.) Favorite lyrics?
Golden Time Lover- Sukima Switch (translated in English) xD

4.) Which movie made you cry?
i dont remember x.o

5.) I just love to _________ all day.
listen to music o:

6.) The first thing i do in the morning is ______________.
go back to sleep x.o

7.) Do you easily get embarrassed?
depends on the situation O:

8.) When you were in school, did you sit in front/back or middle?
BACK 8D <3 zzzzzz*

9.) Next to which celeb do you wanna wake up with?
qq.... i would wake up with... idk some hot celeb.... SELENA GOMEZ? 8D (hides)

10.) Do you like cheese?
.... not plain o: only on certain occasions (cheeze pizza and cheeseburgers) OTL

11.) What's under your bed?
this... huge drawer thingy...

12.) What do you think about the most?
her :)

13.) If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be?
ceo... or maybe.. -looks up- ASSASSIN 8D

14.) Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
sky jumping

15.) If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
a time traveling machine so i can go back in time and steal the money and go back to the original time and still be a millionaire 8D~

16.) Why did you call urself "lolcow" :O
cuz when i played maple i tried to make an lolpig (i was born year of the pig) x3 and then it was taken so i was like COWS! :D so thus... lolcow was made o:

17.) Do you like cows?

yes i love cows o: their so lazy... 8D i loved em since 3rd grade? :3

18.)Cow obsession? Would you date a roflcow?
no i dont really have an obssession o: only on latale~and.. my meister was roflcow myself..? xD

19.)Do you eat meat?
yup LOL

20.) If yes, do you eat cow?
QQ beef... yup yup OTL

Yush, our dear cow is a kannibal.. BUT WE STILL ♥ HIM RITE? :D
♥ Art work: Thanks to Jaydee~
 P.s. It's like sooo awesome! 


  1. Cowww, so awesome interview :D We will all stalk you now. So, tell meee.

    16.) Why did you call urself "lolcow" :O

    17.) Do you like cows?

    18.)Cow obsession? Would you date a roflcow?

    19.)Do you eat meat?

    20.) If yes, do you eat cow?

    If you do, you're a kannibal.
    But we still ♥ you :D

  2. 16. cuz when i played maple i tried to make an lolpig (i was born year of the pig) x3 and then it was taken so i was like COWS! :D so thus... lolcow was made o:

    17. yes i love cows o: their so lazy... 8D i loved em since 3rd grade? :3

    18. no i dont really have an obssession o: only on latale~ and... my meister was roflcow owo... id.. date myself...? xD

    19. yup LOL

    20. QQ beef... yup yup OTL

    21. Do you produce milk? :D

  4. 21. i make milk at home and i drink it ;_;


Soo.. what do you guys do on latale? (: