
Thursday, January 27, 2011

xSnowfall Unwrapped~ Issue #2

La Tale Bio:
IGN: xSnowfall
Class: Holy Order~~~ ::D
Level: 156
Guild Ranking: Veteran ( Second to lowest :o )
Playing Since: I dunno. Two years ago during summer?
Craft: Camo Accessory crafting lvl 31
Top 3 LT Hobbies:
Mining ( OMG I STILL MINE? ) Afking outta nowhere, and bothering people
Favorite Channel: 
3. But varies depending on when I get lazy to click the number 3.
Favorite Map:
Midgard :3. Go music that soothes the soul :D
Favorite Fashion:
Uh......-just puts in random clothing that looks like that matches-
Favorite Hairstyle:
  Depending on type of person I made my character be 8D. ( Doesn’t really judge well huh? )
Favorite NPC:
Geral ( Can I go just say I like his clothes and I want to steal them D: ? )
Favorite Monster:
The Priring.

Real Life Bio:
Name: Whitney
Age: 14
Location: Somewhere in California.
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, afking on LaTale too much, talking, uh......something.
Shoe Size: I DUNNO MY MOM BUYS ME OVERSIZED SHOES D:. but 8 1/2 is what I wear.
Favorite Color: One of those lighter blues. =3=;
Favorite Song: I don’t choose favorites. Anything with a good beat works.
Favorite Movie: White Chicks. I love myself a good comedy.
Favorite TV Show: Total drama seasons :D Go watch it.
Favorite Book: The Thief Lord. :D It got me interested with books.
Favorite Food: Fish. Lots of ‘em. Not raw though. ( unless it’s sushi. )
Favorite Dessert: Cookies.

1.) Who do you stalk the most?
Depending on my mood.

2.) What time is your alarm clock set for?
My mom’s my alarm clock for school most of the time since I wake up at 6. >_>; but 7 o’ clock A.M.

3.) What color is your room?
I share a room with mah mom. Brown. The color of wood. It’s either burning or freezing.

4.) Heels ,flip flops,sneakers, or other?
Sneakers. Heels hurt. Flip flops aren’t any different when walking on sidewalks.

5.) Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Take the picture. If I’m in the picture, I’ll hide behind anyone, even the short people. ( No offense. It just means I’ll hide. )

6.) What was the last movie you watched?
In theaters uh....Vampire Sucks. Otherwise I guess you can say Scott Pilgrim.

7.) Has anyone ever called you lazy?

8.) Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Depending on my mood. I’m too random.

9.) Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Why would they? I would probably figure it out.

10.) What's your nickname?
Whits, Whit-whits ( Don’t have me catch you saying this unless I approve. ) , Snowy

11.) Do you still watch cartoons?
‘Course. Just not the bad ones.

12.) How many siblings do you have?
One. The one is a brother. The brother counts as 2. =3=;.

13.) Are you shy around the opposite sex?
I was around the opposite sex since the beginning of time D:. Why would I?

14.) Do you read for fun?
If the book’s amazingly good. Or at school. Or manga. I can’t stop reading if there’s a lot.

15.) Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Laptop. I broke my desktop. After 3 years. D:

♥ Art work: Thanks to Snowy herself~


  1. Noooo D:. First off I cant draw D:. Second off i leveled D: third. I CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT DX
    -xSnowfall was here. =3=;.

  2. Yush snowy is awesome.
    Question, question!
    16.) If you could marry a guildie, who would it be?

    LOLOL :3 Yush answeeeer! -random-


    17.) If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?


  4. ^ id love to know those XD and~ snow is interesting :D *thumbs up* nice picture :3

  5. Question number 16: Equipment I would need: Blindfold and the guild.
    Directions: put on the blindfold and marry a guildie I grab at random :o.

    Question number 17: Telekinesis. The thing that makes people float. And things. And the ability to move them around at random places D:. I'm talking real life, no LaTale sword dancer D;. besides that's not what I'm looking for. >3>
    Oh yeah, does telekinesis bend stuff too? I WOULD LOVE TO BEND A SPOON :O


Soo.. what do you guys do on latale? (: