
Friday, February 11, 2011

Episode 7 - Land Of The Sky!! Part 1/3

Your First Encounter~!
-Before entering the portal-
*ignore my grammer mistakes ;o; or weird sentences and such D:*
One day as you're walking past Belos, you notices a new portal that opened / appeared just below the clock tower in between the 2 benches :O you got curious and decided to go in and take a look, just before you can do that Rohan talks to you

*sorry about some direct translation D: or weird conversation part ;o;-
Rohan: Be Careful!
You: Why should I be careful, Rohan? :O
Rohan: I'm talking about that portal, it's really dangerous. Earlier the palace soldiers warned us not to go near the portal. They said that the portal's really dangerous
You: What wrong with this portal? It just came out lately am i right?
Rohan: Yes. Even Hejong came to look at it, it must be really abnormal. You should be able to get information about this portal in detail at Elias.
You: Even Hejong seen the portal..... Ok.... I should head to Elias Palace

You head for Elias Palace to search for the answer about this portal and just before you enter the palace portal Dalae talks to you
Dalae: Excuse me, the explorer ahead! Wait Up!
You: Oh! Hi Dalae, What's up?
Dalae: Ah, it really is "your IGN", there's something important, King Hejong wants to see you ASAP
You: King Hejong? What is it about? :O
Dalae: About that, I'm also not sure, but ever since a guest came to the palace, King Hejong asked to find you, I guess it's something about the guest
You: Guest?
Dalae: Yes, i think she's from far away.... a Mysterious Holy Order
You: (A Beautiful Holy Order?) Umm Ok, I'll go to the palace to see King Hejong ASAP
Dalae: Great, I'll inform King Hejong that you'll be there soon, I'll see you around

So you continue your journey towards the Inner Palace to see King Hejong for more information about the portal and guests
Princess Herne: Ah, "IGN", welcome! Father, the person you long waited has arrived
King Hejong: Ah "IGN" you're here
Platina: ....
You: Your honour, it's grateful to be able to see you again. You're looking well too Princess Herne
King Hejong: Platina, this is the explorer I told you about. What do you think about him?
Platina: .... Citizens of Elias says you have the eye of the dragon -I fail this part-, looks likes its true. I think he has a lot of potential in him. Thank you for introducing him to me
King Hejong: Good, I'm happy to be able to help you.
You: ......?
King Hejong: Owh, let me introduce her to you, her name's Platina, she's a Holy Order from the new land
Platina: Hello, its nice to meet you, [IGN]
You: Hello, just now he said you're from the new land?
King Hejong: Yes, I'm sure you don't know about this [new land] either. I'm hoping you investigate in detail about this [new land] together with Platina
You: Ahh? Me?
-A chat pops-up for you to pick something to ask, feel free to press lol, I didn't press any of the question, I just clicked "I don't have any questions", sorry bout that lol-
*after pressing I don't have any questions left*
King Hejong: Good. You'll see a brand new portal at Belos, you should go there. Please investigate about the other world behind that portal and then tell me. Good Luck! Platina, even though we just met for a short time, I feel happy. Hope to see you again next time
Platina: Thank you, your honour. Nice to meet you too Princess Herne, please take care
Princess Herne: I will... sister Platina, you take care too... you must come visit some other time, ok?
You: (wow, calling sister already)
Platina: ok [IGN], lets head to Belos now, lead the way!

You start to head back to Belos where you see the portal and the story continues....
-please note that this is not the exact translation that will appear in the game, this is just a brief translation and I'm sorry again for some mistakes and weird sentences-

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Soo.. what do you guys do on latale? (: